You’re invited to St. Joe’s Seniors’ Series, a FREE virtual event on health and wellness for seniors. Get information and answers straight from our experts. In February and March, we talked about Osteoporosis, Fall Prevention, Mental Health and Staying Connected for the first half of our four-part virtual St. Joe’s Seniors’ Series events. This event has been a great success so far with many in our community joining us to listen to our St. Joe’s health experts speak.
Please join us for the third of our four-part series to support caregivers and seniors in our west-end community. This month, our experts will satisfy our curiosities and concerns regarding Sleep and Memory through a presentation, discussion and Q&A session.
We are very excited to continue this educational series as a part of our promise to deliver continuing education to our clients and healthcare community. At Bedford, we strive to be the industry leader in safety solutions & education. We hope you will join us for our St. Joe’s Seniors’ Series so that we can all learn about how to keep our seniors healthy and safe.