
You’re invited to St. Joe’s Seniors’ Series, a FREE virtual event on health and wellness for seniors. Get information and answers straight from our experts. In February …

Your Cell Phone can’t help you when you’re down! Technology for Seniors is what Bedford does, 24/7! We all benefit from the advances in technology. However our Seniors …

Bedford’s Medical Alert Devices are not just for emergencies! Get the kind of help YOU need! One tap of your button and you are connected to a …

The Bedford Process Timing is everything! Getting help fast and efficiently when you need it most is Bedford’s promise! We have the process in place to give …

The average time for EMS to reach a victim: 21minutes Average times 911 puts you on hold: 12% Time is crucial during a heart attack. Bedford saves …

CTV News Report: Falls are leading cause for seniors hospitalized due to injury: Bedford has always been on the leading edge of Fall Detection Technologies. Our extensive …

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