
Caring for elderly parents takes a toll on caregivers: Seniors over 65 represent 17% of Canadians and our Seniors requiring continuing care will rise by 71% by …

  Falls are the #1 cause of injury to Seniors in Canada. Studies show that the fear of falling is a factor that by itself contributes greatly …

The story below was originally published by Toronto Rehab Foundation (click here for link) in February, 2018. Recognizing the growing demand to support our aging population, the …

Bedford Medical Alert was proud to be Presenting Sponsor for the 10th Anniversary of our Dine for Dignity Fundraising Gala, in support of ESS Support Services. This year’s …

Between 20% and 30% of Canadian seniors will fall every year. Such a high statistic can cause fear and worry about falling and what would happen if …

   In our last blog, “Are You at Risk of a Fall?”, we addressed factors that contributed to an increased risk of falls. As June is seniors …

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